Sunday, December 20, 2009


I just want to give you 3 steps so that you can live a revolutionary LIfe, i call this steps:


1. Daily Devotion to his presence: everyday spent quality time buscando la presencia de Dios en oracion, no te preocupes tanto del Tiempo sino mas bien de la forma como lo haces, pues dice el senor en su palabra, me buscaras en la oracion y me encontraras si me buscas de todo corazon, esa es la palabra clave CON TODO EL CORAZON, ya sean unos minutos o horas.

2. Daily Surrender to his word: This is a very important step, cause this is the only way that we will be able to know and practice the will of God for our life, in this step all you have to do is to find a verse of the bible ( preferiblemente del nuevo testamento) and aply it to your self, every day, so theres to important words SEARCH and APLY, you have to make it very personal, this is one of the biggest challenges for me cause, must of the time i have to give something up, but the cool thing is that the gain is bigger than the lost.

3. Daily Acts of passion for his kingdom: during the day we have so many oportunities to do something for the kingdom, share the gospel with someone,help someone in need, invite someone to church, pray for other peolple, send a message from the bible and your own experience to someone by a text, email, post your testimony on face book, myspace etc, lo importante es que cada dia hagas algo por el reino de Dios para que se expanda por toda la tierra la gloria de Dios.

La otra parte que hara efectiva la revolucion en tu vida y en la de otros, es que todo el dia te mantengas con una actittude de adoracion, es decir que seas una ofrenda agradable para Dios, y que todo lo que hagas o digas sea pra la Gloria de Dios, in other words dont do or say nothing that wont give glory to God.

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